Develop Tansania e.V.

Welcome by Develop Tansania e.V.

Der Verein Develop Tansania e.V. ist aufgelöst. Seine Gläubiger werden aufgefordert, ihre Ansprüche bei dem Liquidator, Kristin Hellmig anzumelden.


Develop Tanzania e.V.

The purpose of Develop Tansania e.V. is to provide people in the east and south of Tanzania with a sustainable source of income. Thus, in the long term, compliance with human and children's rights as well as the local economic situation should be improved.

Future projects include the establishment of a drinking water supply, permanent jobs with fair wages and health insurance.

Further project work is to be activities in the field of school education, training and further education.

All of these measures are intended to support people to help themselves and aim to achieve independence over the long term. Everyone in the world should be allowed to develop freely and without constraints.

Why are the Develop Tansania e.V. projects so important?

Despite many efforts and millions of euros by Western governments for development aid in poor countries, it has not yet been possible to create a just and balanced world.

Every person in the world should have the same opportunities to shape his or her life.

By giving people a job with fair wages and health insurance, we give their children the space to devote themselves to their individual opportunities and interests.

Our projects are about making self-confident people who have been informed about their rights into important pillars of global society.

Child labor

Child labor is still a big issue in Tanzania. There has been minimal improvement in this area so far. Almost 30% of 5-14 year olds work and around 94% of them in agriculture.

18% of these children under the age of 15 work in mining and primarily mine gold. For this purpose, very toxic chemicals are used to extract the precious metal. The children are therefore exposed to an extremely high risk of mercury poisoning. This can lead to severe neurological and developmental problems.

It is estimated that child labor affects 4.2 million children between the ages of 5 and 17. The law of Tanzania allows children from the age of 14 to work, but this does not correspond to the international standard.

On the mainland of Tanzania, children are used in illegal activities, and the people responsible for them get away with it.

Families affected by poverty have to repeatedly violate children's rights for existential reasons. For example the right to education, the right to health, the right to identity, the right to protection from violence and child marriage.

Develop Tansania e.V. projects

By creating:

  • Fairly paid jobs in compliance with environmental awareness
  • Payment of health insurance
  • the clarification of business processes
  • the development of the drinking water supply
  • financial support for apprenticeships
  • support women in their daily challenges
  • supporting and educating children in their fundamental tasks

... Develop Tansania e.V. can improve the overall situation in Tanzania. In this way, emigration can also be averted, as prospects are now created in their own country.


Dear readers,

in order to be able to support the people in the east and south of Tanzania in their basic human rights, we need your help! Without your support, we cannot create a balance in the world.

We thank all of our supporters!

Donation options 


You would like to donate by PayPal, here our link:


You would like to donate by transfer, here is our bank details:

Kristin Bäck

IBAN: DE85 7007 0024 0343 2481 01


usage: donation for develop tansania e.V. 


You would like to support us through our gofundme fundraising campaign, here ist our link:



non-profit association Develop Tanzania


§1 name and seat

The name of the association is: Develop Tanzania

The seat of the association is Munich.

§2 purpose of the association

The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code.

The purpose of the association is to promote development cooperation and equal rights for women and men within the meaning of Section 52 of the Tax Code. This purpose is achieved by promoting the general public in the material field.

The association serves exclusively to support the people in the east and south of Tanzania in securing and improving their living conditions.

The provision of material resources and financial grants for the promotion of village structures and life in the previous tradition as well as for the prevention of rural exodus, this includes:

Establishment of a drinking water supply

Expansion of a salt farm to create fairly paid jobs with health insurance and the associated food

Activities in the field of education, training and further education

Measures to ensure the supply of food

All measures should orienting towards self-help / self-sufficiency 

§3 selflessness; Use of funds

The association is selflessly active. It pursues exclusively charitable purposes and not self-economic purposes.

The association's funds may only be used for its statutory purposes. The members may not receive any profit shares and in their capacity as members also no other benefits from the association's funds. Reimbursement of costs for services at the club is paid.

No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high discounts.

§4 Asset Commitment

If the association is dissolved or if the tax-privileged purposes cease to exist, the assets of the association will be transferred to a legal entity under public law or another tax-privileged corporation for use for charitable and benevolent purposes in the sense of development cooperation and equal rights for women and men in Tanzania, which are in need within the meaning of § 53 AO.

Resolutions to change this paragraph may only be made in agreement with the responsible tax office.

§5 fiscal year

The association is founded for an indefinite period.

The financial year is the calendar year.

§6 membership

Any natural or legal person or any partnership who meets the following requirements can be a member of the association: Age of majority.

Extraordinary members can also be admitted at the proposal of the board by resolution of the general assembly. In addition, in special cases, personalities who have rendered outstanding services for the purpose of the association can also become honorary members. Honorary members do not pay any fees. In addition, the provisions for full members apply.

Members who join the association as founding members are only entitled to support the association's purpose. As sponsoring members, you are not entitled to vote.

There is the possibility of day membership. This ends at midnight and is used for short-term use of information events. Day members are not entitled to vote.

Registration for the association takes place upon written application by the association's board of directors. The board of directors decides on the application at its own discretion. In the event of rejection, he is not obliged to inform the applicant of the reasons for this.

§7 End of Membership

Membership ends through death, exclusion, deletion from the list of members or resignation from the association or through the liquidation of a legal entity.

The resignation takes place through a written declaration to the board of directors. It can only be declared at the end of a year, whereby a notice period of three months must be observed.

A member can be removed from the list of members by resolution of the board if he is in arrears with the payment of membership fees or allocations despite two written reminders. This deletion does not exempt the member from paying any outstanding contributions and levies.

A member can be excluded if it culpably and grossly violates the interests of the association. Exclusion takes place by resolution of the board of directors: Before the resolution is passed, the member must be given the opportunity to make an oral or written statement. The decision must be justified in writing and communicated to the member. Objections to this can be lodged with the board of directors within one month of receipt of the decision. The next general meeting will make a final decision on this objection.

§8 entrance fee; Membership fee

Annual fees are charged from the members. Allocations can be levied to finance special projects.

The amount and due date of annual fees and levies are determined by the general meeting.

In the case of legal persons, the membership fee should be based on the size of the legal person, in particular the number of its employees.

In suitable cases, the board of directors can waive or defer fees, contributions and levies in whole or in part.

The fee is to be transferred to an account of the association, stating the membership number. In the following years the membership fee will be paid by March 31 at the latest. of each year by means of a direct debit authorization or transferred to an account of the association by the member.

The members are obliged to actively support the association in achieving its goals.

The members are obliged to pay an annual fee.

§9 Board of Directors

The association has a board of directors. The board consists of:

a) the 1st chairman and

b) the 2nd chairman.

The association is represented in and out of court by its 1st chairman and the 2nd chairman in and out of court.

Everyone has sole power of representation.

Internally, the representation by the 2nd chairman only becomes effective if the 1st chairman is unable to attend.

If the 1st chairman resigns, the 2nd chairman continues the business of the association in a legally binding manner until a new 1st chairman is elected, and vice versa.

It is the representative body of the association within the meaning of § 26 BGB.

The board is elected for an indefinite period of time.

The order is revocable if there is an important reason for this. Such a reason is in particular a gross breach of duty or inability to properly manage the business.

Only founding members of the association can be elected to the board. Each board member is elected individually. The principles of secret and equal voting are to be applied. Whoever has the majority of valid votes is elected. Re-election is permitted without restriction.

If a member of the board of directors resigns prematurely, the board can elect a successor for the remaining term of office of the resigned member.

The board of directors calls its meetings with a notice period of 14 days. The meeting is called by the chairman and is to be sent to every member of the board [in writing (also electronically)]. Every board member is entitled to register items on the agenda. The registration must take place no later than 5 days before the respective meeting and must be forwarded to all board members by the chairman after the end of the last day of the deadline.

The board of directors makes its decisions with a simple majority. The chairman of the board has the casting vote. If the chairman of the board is excluded from the resolution or cannot participate in it for any other reason, his representative has the casting vote. As an exception, the board of directors also has a quorum if one or more of its members cannot or cannot participate in the decision-making process due to illness, loss of consciousness or death. In this case, the quorum members of the executive board are deemed to be "the executive board" within the meaning of these statutes. If a board member is permanently excluded from exercising his or her duties as a board member, the board calls the general meeting to elect a new member to the board in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3.

The board of directors can make decisions in writing if all board members agree.

The board of directors is responsible for all affairs of the association, as far as they are not transferred to another organ of the association by the statutes. In particular, it has the following tasks:

Preparation and calling of the general meeting as well as drawing up the agenda;

Execution of resolutions of the general assembly;

Bookkeeping and preparation of the business report;

Resolution on the admission of members.

With the approval of the general assembly, the board of directors can employ a managing director to discharge it.

The board of directors can set up committees to deal with individual tasks. These can also be filled with people outside the Executive Board as well as external specialists.

§10 Advisory Board

The board is supported by an advisory board of 3 members (including the chairman of the advisory board). Members of the advisory board must meet the following requirements: legal capacity and founding members.

The advisory board consists of:

a) the computer

b) the secretary

c) up to 6 assessors

The advisory board is the link between the members and the board of directors.

The members of the advisory board are appointed by the board for 3 years each. The appointment takes place following the general meeting after the board elections.

The board of directors determines the number of advisory board members and an advisory board chairman.

§11 General Assembly

The chairman of the board calls an ordinary general meeting within [six] months after the end of each financial year by ordinary letter or electronic mail (e-mail) with a notice period of 21 days and stating the agenda. The period begins on the day following the sending of the letter of invitation. The letter of invitation is deemed to have been received by the member if it is sent to the last address given to the association in writing by the member.

The agenda is set by the Board. The general assembly decides on requests for additions to the agenda that are made in the general assembly.

In the ordinary general assembly, the treasurer submits the invoice and has the accounting approved. In addition, the executive board or, if available, the managing director submits the annual report.

The general assembly is elected by the chairman of the board. If he is not present, by his representative or, if he is also not present, by another board member. If no board of directors is present, the general assembly elects an assembly leader from among its members.

The general assembly is responsible for the following matters:

Election of the board of directors;

Election of the auditor;

Resolution on the annual report of the Board of Directors;

Discharge of the board of directors;

Decision-making on the budget;

Determination of membership fees and levies;

Resolution on the objection to a reason for exclusion by the board of directors;

Amendments to the statutes;

Determination of the annual membership fee

Dissolution of the association;

Resolutions are passed with a simple majority; resolutions on amendments to the statutes only require a majority of ¾ of those present or duly represented members. The type of voting is determined by the chairman of the meeting. A vote must be carried out in writing if 1/3 of the members present request this.

An extraordinary general meeting must be called by the board if at least 1/3 of the members request this in writing or if the board deems this to be necessary.

Every duly convened general meeting has a quorum regardless of the number of participants; the presence of at least [1/3] of the members is only required for resolutions on amendments to the statutes or the dissolution of the association. Members can be represented by authorized representatives in writing.

The general assembly elects at least one auditor who is not allowed to belong to the board. The auditors are elected for a period of three years.

§12 meeting reports

Minutes are to be made about the board and advisory board meetings and about the general assemblies, which are to be kept.

Minutes of board meetings are to be signed by the chairman or, if he is unable to do so, by his deputy, minutes of advisory board meetings by the advisory board chairman and minutes of general meetings by the keeper of the minutes and the chairman of the meeting.

§13 Dissolution

The dissolution of the association can only be dissolved in a general meeting with a majority of ¾ of the founding members present. 

§14 miscellaneous

In addition to the articles of association, the corresponding provisions of the BGB apply.

The above statutes were resolved in the general meeting on 20.07.2021. The previous statutes cease to be in force with the entry of these statutes in the register of associations.

1. Chair: Kristin Hellmig, Wörthstrasse 16, 81667 Munich

2. Chair: Amadi Bao, Hiltensperger Straße 48, 80796 Munich

contact us

Develop Tansania e.V.

Kristin Hellmig und Amadi Bao

Wörthstraße 16

81667 München

phone   +49 177 964 76 36


Thank you for your support!
